Stefano Discetti
Principal Investigator

Rodrigo Castellanos
PhD Fellow

Andrea Ianiro
Principal Investigator

Firoozeh Foroozan
PhD Fellow

Marco Raiola
Assistant Professor

Antonio Cuéllar Martín
PhD Student
International members of ARTURO’s team:
- Prof. Dr. Tommaso Astarita (Full Professor at UNINA). Author of seminal contributions in PIV development and on the application of IR for convective heat transfer measurement [GScholar]
- Dr. Miguel Mendez (Assistant Professor at VKI). Author of recent seminal contributions on reduced-order modelling tools for fluid mechanics [GScholar]
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Noack (Research Director at LIMSI, Full Professor at TUB and TUBR, Visiting Professor at HIT). An authority in the field of machine-learning applied to turbulence [GScholar]
- Dr. Ramis Örlü (Researcher and Docent at KTH). Author of seminal contributions in experimental measurements on wall-bounded flows [GScholar]
- Prof. Dr. Daniele Ragni (Associate Professor at TU Delft). Top-class expert in advanced measurement tools for pressure field measurements, e.g. Tomographic PIV combined with data-assimilation methods [GScholar]
- Ricardo Vinuesa (Associate Professor at KTH). Top-class expert in wall-bounded flows and in machine learning for fluid mechanics [GScholar]